“Our children will also serve Him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done” (Ps. 22:30-31 NLT).
The Children’s Ministry at McLaurin Heights Baptist Church wants every child to know that Jesus is real, and that He has a special plan and purpose for each life. Through Bible study, music, mission education, and ministry opportunities we want each child to know that Jesus loves them and wants them to know and love Him.
The Children’s Ministry at McLaurin Heights Baptist Church wants every child to know that Jesus is real, and that He has a special plan and purpose for each life. Through Bible study, music, mission education, and ministry opportunities we want each child to know that Jesus loves them and wants them to know and love Him.
Elementary Life Groups- Sundays at 9:15AM
Children's Choirs-Sundays at 5PM
Children's Discipleship Groups-Sundays at 6PM
HIGH-LIGHT - Wednesday 6:30PM
CHILDREN'S Life Groups
1st Ashley Chism Room 407
2nd and 3rd Grade Edd and Rita Rogers, Annette Miller Room 405
4th Grade Amye Rowan and Terri Williamson Room 402
5th and 6th Grade Bonnie Woods and Debbie Burns Room 404